
Supporting and Empowering Diverse Learners Series: Where Disability Legislation Falls Short in Higher Education

Wednesday, March 26, 2025 :: 2:00-3:30 PM

Virtual | WebEx

Intended Audience: Faculty

Presenter: JoDell Heroux

"Universities are seeing an increase in the number of disabled students pursuing post-secondary education, which is exciting and challenging. Through this series, participants will learn to identify, challenge, and dismantle structural and attitudinal barriers that impede the success of students with disabilities. Through engaging discussions and case studies, the session will focus on creating more inclusive and accessible learning spaces by addressing curriculum design, classroom practices, and institutional policies that may unintentionally marginalize students with disabilities. This series will offer recommendations for supporting diverse learners and making higher education more accessible for all students. Attendees will leave with practical strategies for reducing barriers to learning, fostering an inclusive culture, and promoting equity.

This training session will debunk common myths and clarify facts about the legal protections available to disabled students in higher education, including key legislation like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Participants will explore where these laws succeed in supporting students and where they fall short in fully addressing the needs of disabled learners. This session will focus on proactive strategies universities can implement to go beyond compliance and enhance student success. By identifying areas where institutions can better support disabled students—such as improving accessibility, offering more robust accommodations, and fostering an inclusive campus culture—participants will leave with actionable steps to strengthen equity and inclusion in their institutions."

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