
GTA Series: Fostering Student Success: Creating Inclusive and Accessible Learning Environments

Friday, October 18, 2024 :: 11:30-1:00 PM

Park Library | 413

Intended Audience: Graduate Teaching Assistants

Facilitated by: Gabrielle Likavec & Brooke Moore

In partnership with the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS), CIS is pleased to introduce the Building Excellence in Graduate Teaching Assistants Series. These sessions are designed to prepare graduate students for their teaching roles at CMU, enhance their teaching skills, increase their pedagogical knowledge, and practice, and equip them with the tools and strategies necessary to effectively support undergraduate education. GTAs receive guidance in various pedagogical techniques, teaching methods, and classroom management strategies.

Inclusivity and learner-centered course design are vital to promoting equity and student success. Addressing the unique needs and identities of students fosters a supportive learning environment where everyone can thrive. In this interactive session, explore evidence-based practices for accessible course design, providing accommodations, and implementing universal design for learning (UDL) principles. Join us to learn how to create an inclusive classroom that supports all students.

Lunch will be provided.

Affiliated with Central Michigan University

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