
Online Course Tours Series: Situated Learning Approach - WEBINAR

Thursday, February 27, 2020 :: 12:00-12:30 PM

Intended Audience: CMU Faculty

Facilitated by Ellen Armbruster & Pei-Ju Liu

Join Dr. Ellen Armbruster to tour her recently developed online course CED 651. Using the situated learning approach, Dr. Armbruster designed class activities that provide students opportunities to interact with field practitioners through interviews and simulated counseling situations through virtual role play. In this 30-min webinar, you will: - Look at examples of class activities or assessments (design & set-up), from a currently running course. - Receive tips and strategies from the developer - Discuss possible applications of the ideas to your class

To Join the training session:
Visit this link.
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Session Access code: 735 454 380
4. Enter the session password: 0213
5. Click "Join Now".
6. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

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