
What's New in Chipcast - WEBINAR

Thursday, February 20, 2020 :: 2:00-3:00 PM

Intended Audience: CMU Faculty

Facilitated by Phil Coffman

Description: This workshop covers key features and updates to the Chipcast Video Platform, powered by Panopto. Interface updates, in-video questions, playlists, YouTube embedding, updated editing features, and auto-speech recognition will all be covered.

Objectives: Participants will learn how to use in-video questions to make video lectures an active experience instead of a passive one. They will learn how to use in-video question results to determine what is being comprehended and what needs more attention. Participants will be better prepared to utilize more of the features of CMU's Chipcast video platform.

To Join the training session:
Visit this link.
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Session Access code: 731 268 907
4. Enter the session password: 0220
5. Click "Join Now".
6. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Affiliated with Central Michigan University

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